Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Building New Critter Cages with Mr. and Mrs. Williams

David and Sue Williams helped us build new critter cages today. Mr. Williams designed them and donated the first one several weeks ago. We put the chicken wire on one of the two he built for us this morning, and we will cover the second one on Thursday or Friday.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May Update

On Wednesday we weeded the gardens. Unfortunately, some plants didn't survive the process! :-) However, we still have lots lettuce, mustard, radishes, cress, and spinach that are coming on strong in our warm weather. Our buckets of water don't match the natural moisture that rain would provide, and we've begun to wish that low pressure moisture would make its way into our high pressure days. (That's what we are now studying.)