Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another Video!

Planting Snapdragons. Patience, please...

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Bite

We watered our plants before the week was over. We took buckets and buckets of water out. I took a big bucket of water outside. Ryan also took a big bucket too.

On Friday Dusty helped put the plants out in the sun. Other students helped put the plants in the shade. At the end of the day we brought them back in. Then we put them under the grow lights. Then Zac got stung by a bee. Zac and Adam had to scrub off the permanent marker off the lattice.
By: Shane, Ryan, Dusty, and Cody

Today, I, Zac, had a radish. It tasted very spicy, and it had a little dirt taste to it, but it was still a little good.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Today we spent the day celebrating Earth Day, discussing what it means that we are all leaves on the same tree! Today's hit was "Air in a Jar," a commercial we watched, talked about, watched, and talked about some more. Watch and enjoy!
Mrs. Sellers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

After Spring Break Update

The plants have grown since the beginning of spring break. While we were gone, Mr. Blankenship watered our plants.
Rachel, Adam M., Zac, and Matthew

The plants are growing, but they're not very big yet. They are getting there; they didn't die thanks to Mr. Blankenship. The plants look healthy and nice and look like they're growing right.
Adam C. and Shane

The plants grew over spring break. They got a lot bigger, and they are still under the grow lights. Mr. Blankenship watered them while we were on spring break.
Krissy, Cody, Ryan, and Dusty

The garden is growing well and we have many plants in it. Our plants are growing rapidly and it looks good. The plants grew really fast, and we have very many plants to grow. They grew up and most are green. They are growing fast.
Jack, Josh, Matt, and Michael

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Greetings from Montana

While I spend "spring" break here in Montana watching it snow, I sit and wonder about our hundreds of little seedlings growing in our window sills at Glenvar. Mr. Blankenship is keeping watch over them while we are gone, but I wonder how they've grown?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


On April 3, 2009 we planted some seeds in our raised beds like lettuce and radishes. We also put down our lattice on our raised beds. It was really windy that day. The lattice almost blew away, so did we. Also, a lot of soil blew in our face and in our eyes but we were fine. Everybody got a turn to nail the lattice. Nobody got hurt.
Shane and Zac

You are probably wondering what we are doing now. Well, we just got done with watering plants and transplanting basil. We are having a lot of fun.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Shane's Observations

Today everybody looked at the plants that we planted. They have grown a little bit but not much. We also watered them. We don’t have a lot of spinach or beets, but we have a lot of Little Gem lettuce. Shane

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Getting Started

Last Thursday we made big boxes to put our plants into. We also made lattice so that we can put the plants in organized. On Monday we made our garden soil. Zac

Wednesday we mixed potting soil and smoothed them into cells to put them under growing lights. Ryan

Today is April 2, 2009 and on April 1st we planted our vegetables like lettuce and other stuff. One day we built our raised beds and it took a lot of muscle to screw in the screws. Now we are building things that go over the raised beds. Shane

Today we went out in the rain and spread the rest of the peat moss and donkey manure. We layered out the soil in the four gardens. The rain is packing down the soil and making it ready to plant our flowers and vegetables. Tuesday we planted the seeds and we have them under grow lights. Jon